Member's Coffee & Connect

Join Laura Ryan, Founder & Global Chair of Meat Business Women to connect over a virtual coffee and address some of your challenges together.

This will be an interactive session, so come ready to chat and with your camera on! We want to hear about your biggest challenges right now. What's keeping you up at night? This session is a safe and supportive space to discuss your concerns and offer fresh perspectives, helping you gain clarity.

If you'd prefer to join in and listen to gain some advice, you're also very welcome!

You'll also discover more about how to make the most of your ready-made Meat Business Women network. Laura is an expert in building global networks and driving transformational change across the agri-food sector. You'll learn how she has successfully built long-lasting connections and how you can do the same, even as an introvert!

Our speakers

Laura Ryan (Chair)

Laura Ryan (Chair)

Founder & Global Chair, Meat Business Women

Find out more