21 May 2024
by Meat Business Women

Inclusion Allyship Toolkit

Understand allyship and download your proactive checklist

We know that diversity and inclusion are crucial in ensuring workplaces thrive.

The Meat Business Women Gender Representation Report found that 53% of people working in the meat industry think that inclusion has moved up the agenda, but we know there is more to be done in this space. 78% of people believe that creating the right environment for women to succeed is key to improving gender inclusion.

And we know that regardless of gender, age, race or background we all need to work together to bring about positive change in gender inclusion.

We are shaping an inclusive industry where your voice matters, your success is celebrated and your career can soar.

Each of us must step up, play our part and support one another to make collective change. This is why we created our global campaign #ThePowerOfUs.

And this is where allyship comes in.

But what exactly is allyship?

In simple terms, allyship is about using your power and influence to support people who might not have the same advantages as you. 

Being an inclusion ally means actively supporting and advocating for inclusivity in the workplace. It's about recognising and addressing biases, promoting diversity, and creating a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. Allyship is not just passive support or token gestures but it's a real commitment to ongoing learning, self-reflection, and action.

What's inside the Toolkit?

In this Toolkit, we explore key aspects of inclusive allyship, providing practical guidance and actionable tips. From ways to expand your understanding of allyship, to tackling everyday exclusion, to promoting inclusive behaviour. The Toolkit also answers some frequently asked questions around inclusion and provides you with a proactive, practical checklist that you can use to be an inclusion ally, regardless of gender.

More on How to be an Inclusion Ally...